Monday, 10 August 2020

SB Order No.28/2020 dated 10-08-2020 - regarding amendments in SB-5 & SB-5A pass books used in CBS & non-CBS POs......


GDS Online Engagement - an Alert

 GDS Online Engagement :

Department of Posts does not make any phone calls/SMS to the candidates for depositing any money. 

Selected candidate is getting system generated SMS only for his selection. The correspondence, if any, is made with candidates through respective Recruiting authority only. 

Candidates are advised not to disclose their registration number and mobile numbers and be guarded against any unscrupulous phone calls.

Submission of online application for Haryana & Rajasthan is extended :

Start date : 06.08.2020
End Date: 12.08.2020

Source : 


Friday, 19 June 2020

RPLI-PLI :: New promotional & Incentive Structure of PLI / RPLI .............

CLICK HERE  for details & copy (14 pages)

DoP :: Proposal for discontinuation of Authorized Receipt Book for SAS Agents .......

TN Circle :: COVID-19 WAR GROUP & TEAMS formed by the Chennai City Region



The following statement was issued by the Central Trade Unions on 19th June,2020

The Central Trade Unions extend full support to the 3 days Strike of Coal Workers

The Central Trade Unions extend full support to the Strike call given by all Unions and Federations active in the coal industry in all places of activities in the coal sector for three days on 2nd,3rd,and 4th July 2020. The Unions/Federations have served the strike notice on 18th June 2020. We congratulate them for organizing the protest simultaneously while serving the strike notice on 18th June to the respective managements.

Their two day protest on 10th and 11th June 2020 did not deter the Government to review its decision of commercial mining, privatization and decision to de-link CMPDI from CIL among other demands .Rather Prime Minister himself came forward to launch the process of auction on 18th June, which was announced on 11th June, hence the decision of unions to choose this day to protest and give strike notice.

The fact of the matter is that even the earlier auctioned and allotted coal blocks could not be started as per schedule period which need to be cancelled immediately.

The unions have raised five demands in:

1. Withdraw the decision of Commercial Mining in Coal Industry
2. Stop all steps towards weakening or privatization of CIL or SCCL
3. Withdraw decision to De-link CMPDIL from CIL
4. Enforce HPC/CIL enhanced wages to contract workers in CIL and SCCL
5. Implement the clause 9.3.0, 9.4.0 and 9.5.0 of National Coal Wage Agreement

The Coal unions and the CTUs have been opposing the Government policy of 100 percent FDI in Coal sector. We call upon all our respective state chapters to extend their solidarity support to this agitation to defend this core public sector in the national interest and for our nation’s self reliance in this sector.
        INTUC           AITUC              HMS               CITU          AIUTUC
                  TUCC           SEWA          AICCTU           LPF            UTUC

We as Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers extend solidarity with Coal workers and their strike against privatisation of Coal Industry.

                                    R N PARASHAR
                             SECRETARY GENERAL
                       CONFEDERATION OF CGE&W


Thursday, 18 June 2020

DoP :: Instruction / SOP for clearing pending mails in FPOs TMOs ....

SB Order No.22/2020 :: Acceptance of Cheque in Branch Post Offices for Account Opening and subsequent deposits .....

CLICK HERE  for copy & details (English & Hindi) (7 pages)

DoP :: Restriction in booking / delivery of mail for in Delhi & Mumbai due to COVID-19 situation ...........

CSC to expand to 6000 Post Offices (up to norm based LSG level) - DO letter

DoP :: Processing of payroll & salaries & pensions ......

Booking of Speed Post Parcels in CSI system ...........

Com.ADI - remembering on their 17th death anniversary (17-06-20)

10.06.1928 – 17.06.2003

A Legend of CG Employees Movement, 
A Natural Leader who rose from lowest ranks,
An indomitable fighter who shaped the destiny of 3 lakh EDAs; 
A tenacious soldier who brought glory to the Postal movement through historic strikes, struggles  
under his able leadership.


Friday, 29 May 2020

SB Order 20 / 2020 :: Relaxation provision in National Savings Schemes (29-05-2020)

PORD Deposits can be made up to 30-06-2020 for the months of  March, April & May without default fee ----

​Wings e-Book by RAKNPA (May 2020)


Wings e-Book by RAKNPA (May 2020)

"... Check off system will be switch over to online system" - WITHDRAWN :: Procedure for verification of membership of Service Associations for recognition under CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993 in Department of Posts ....... Calling of applications - reg .... (20-05-2020)

GDS :: Revised draft notification for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks Cycle-11/2019 - 2020 & subsequent cycle. ..............


Regarding PMJJBY/PMSBY auto renewals. Batch jobs for renewal of PMJJBY / PMSBY policies are under execution.

Policy will be not renewed in the following cases:

If there is no sufficient balance in customer's account

If the age of the customer is beyond the permitted age for the policy (SBY - 70 years and JB - 55 years)

• If the linked SB account is frozen
• If the linked SB account is closed

Only the active policies (policies that are having expiry date as 31/05/2020) will be taken up for auto-renewal.


CPCs are requested to kindly share the failure reports of JBY / SBY auto-renewal batch jobs to SOLs for intimating to customers on complaints. 

POs are requested to kindly unfreeze accounts if the account is genuine and verified for auto renewals to happen before 01/06/2020. POs can freeze the account after auto renewal if required. 

For accounts having insufficient balance, if the customer deposits, accounts will get renewed through auto renewals batch jobs.

Auto renewal status can be inquired through CPMY menu. 

Manual renewal can be done from 02/06/2020 only.

Daily report will be shared to CPCs for circulation to POs .

Thanks and Regards,

Gopinath S.
Inspector Posts
Data Migration Command Centre(CBS)
Chennai 600 002


Preventive measures to be taken by Ministry of H&FW for containment of COVID-19 (27-05-20)