Thursday, 30 June 2016

..NJCA Decided to go for indefinite strike from 11-07-2016




Revision in interest rate of Small Savings Schemes up to 30-09-2016

for operating procedure and other deetails

Cabinet approves Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on pay and pensionary benefits.   It will come into effect from 01.01.2016.

In the past, the employees had to wait for 19 months for the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations at the time of 5th CPC, and for 32 months at the time of implementation of 6th CPC.  However, this time, 7th CPC recommendations are being implemented within 6 months from the due date.

The Cabinet has also decided that arrears of pay and pensionary benefits will be paid during the current financial year (2016-17) itself, unlike in the past when parts of arrears were paid in the next financial year. 

The recommendations will benefit over 1 crore employees. This includes over 47 lakh central government employees and 53 lakh pensioners, of which 14 lakh employees and 18 lakh pensioners are from the defence forces.


1.            The present system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been dispensed with and a new Pay Matrix as recommended by the Commission has been approved. The status of the employee, hitherto determined by grade pay, will now be determined by the level in the Pay Matrix. Separate Pay Matrices have been drawn up for Civilians, Defence Personnel and for Military Nursing Service. The principle and rationale behind these matrices are the same.

2.            All existing levels have been subsumed in the new structure; no new levels have been introduced nor has any level been dispensed with. Index of Rationalisation has been approved for arriving at minimum pay in each Level of the Pay Matrix depending upon the increasing role, responsibility and accountability at each step in the hierarchy.

3.            The minimum pay has been increased from Rs.  7000 to 18000 p.m.  Starting salary of a newly recruited employee at lowest level will now be Rs.  18000 whereas for a freshly recruited Class I officer, it will be Rs.  56100.  This reflects a compression ratio of 1:3.12 signifying that pay of a Class I officer on direct recruitment will be three times the pay of an entrant at lowest level.

4.            For the purpose of revision of pay and pension, a fitment factor of 2.57 will be applied across all Levels in the Pay Matrices.

5.            Rate of increment has been retained at 3 %. This will benefit the employees in future on account of higher basic pay as the annual increments that they earn in future will be 2.57 times than at present.

6.            The Cabinet approved further improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix by enhancing Index of Rationalisation for Level 13A (Brigadier) and providing for additional stages in Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), 13 (Colonel) and 13A (Brigadier) in order to bring parity with Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) counterparts at the maximum of the respective Levels.

7.            Some other decisions impacting the employees including Defence & Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) personnel include :

·               Gratuity ceiling enhanced from Rs.  10 to 20 lakh. The ceiling on gratuity will increase by 25 % whenever DA rises by 50 %.
·               A common regime for payment of Ex-gratia lump sum compensation for civil and defence forces personnel payable to Next of Kin with the existing rates enhanced from Rs. 10-20 lakh to 25-45 lakh for different categories.
·               Rates of Military Service Pay revised from Rs.  1000, 2000, 4200 & 6000 to 3600, 5200, 10800 & 15500 respectively for various categories of Defence Forces personnel.
·               Terminal gratuity equivalent of 10.5 months of reckonable emoluments for Short Service Commissioned Officers who will be allowed to exit Armed Forces any time between 7 and 10 years of service.
·               Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave subsumed into a composite new Leave named ‘Work Related Illness and Injury Leave’ (WRIIL). Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.

8.            The Cabinet also approved the recommendation of the Commission to enhance the ceiling of House Building Advance from Rs.  7.50 lakh to 25 lakh. In order to ensure that no hardship is caused to employees, four interest free advances namely Advances for Medical Treatment, TA on tour/transfer, TA for family of deceased employees and LTC have been retained. All other interest free advances have been abolished.

9.            The Cabinet also decided not to accept the steep hike in monthly contribution towards Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) recommended by the Commission. The existing rates of monthly contribution will continue. This will increase the take home salary of employees at lower levels by Rs. 1470. However, considering the need for social security of employees, the Cabinet has asked Ministry of Finance to work out a customized group insurance scheme for Central Government Employees with low premium and high risk cover.

10.        The general recommendations of the Commission on pension and related benefits have been approved by the Cabinet. Both the options recommended by the Commission as regards pension revision have been accepted subject to feasibility of their implementation. Revision of pension using the second option based on fitment factor of 2.57 shall be implemented immediately. A Committee is being constituted to address the implementation issues anticipated in the first formulation. The first formulation may be made applicable if its implementation is found feasible after examination by proposed Committee which is to submit its Report within 4 months.

11.        The Commission examined a total of 196 existing Allowances and, by way of rationalization, recommended abolition of 51 Allowances and subsuming of 37 Allowances. Given the significant changes in the existing provisions for Allowances which may have wide ranging implications, the Cabinet decided to constitute a Committee headed by Finance Secretary for further examination of the recommendations of 7th CPC on Allowances.  The Committee will complete its work in a time bound manner and submit its reports within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision, all existing Allowances will continue to be paid at the existing rates.

12.        The Cabinet also decided to constitute two separate Committees (i) to suggest measures for streamlining the implementation of National Pension System (NPS) and (ii) to look into anomalies likely to arise out of implementation of the Commission’s Report.

13.        Apart from the pay, pension and other recommendations approved by the Cabinet, it was decided that the concerned Ministries may examine the issues that are administrative in nature, individual post/ cadre specific and issues in which the Commission has not been able to arrive at a consensus.

14.        As estimated by the 7th CPC, the additional financial impact on account of implementation of all its recommendations in 2016-17 will be Rs. 1,02,100 crore. There will be an additional implication of Rs. 12,133 crore on account of payments of arrears of pay and pension for two months of 2015-16.


Selection Process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS posts - Review there of ...................

Copy of the above letter :

Government of India
Ministry of Communcations & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
No.17-17/2016-GDS                                                                                    dated 23-06-2016

All Heads of Circles

Sub:- Selection process for engament to all approved categories of GDS posts – Review there of.

Reference is invted to this Directorate order No.17-39/6/2012-GDS dated 14-01-2015 vide which the revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS posts was prescribed.

2.            It has been observed that due to maximum age limit of 30 years many of GDS engaged in their prime youth tend to leave for want of better opportunities and the needy and competent persons who have ceased the maximum agae limit criteria are deprived of the opportunity.

3.            Further reference is invited to this Directorate order No.17-39/7/2012-GDS dated 14-01-2015 and letter No.17-39/2012-GDS dated 16-09-2015 in para 2(b) (vii) of aforementioned letter it has been stipulated that “the authority higher to the recruiting authority will nominate a committee constituting of three members including recruiting authority with two others not below the rank of Inspector Posts. Beside the said authority will decide the date on which such committee will meet for finalizing selection”

4.            The above orders have been reviewed and the following amendments are approved by the competent authority and shall take into effect from the date of issue of this letter.

(a)    The entry age to the GDS posts shall be raised up to 40 years of age (further relaxable by 03 years to those belonging to OBC categories and 05 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST. Maximum age of Casual Labourers shall be 45 years (48 years for OBC & 50 years for SC/ST) subject to fulfilling other conditions of eligibility.

(b)   The instructions about formation of committee consisting of three members prescribed vide para 2 (b) (viii) of this Directorate letter No.17-39/2012-GDS dated 16-09-2015 be with drawn and the recruiting authorities may be allowed to continue engagement of GDS without formation of such committee.

Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)

Copy forwarded to :
1.Senior PPS to Secretary (Posts)
2-7.PS to Member (P), Member (Tech), Member (O), Member (PLI) and
       Chairman( Investment Board), Member (Planning), Member (Banking & HRD)
8-10. Ps to CGM (BD)/PLI Directorate/MB
11.All DDsG in Postal Directorate
12.Director, RAKNPA/ Postal Training Centres
13.All Recognized Federations/Unions
14.Guard File.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Dear Comrades,

You are well aware that the process of Verification of Membership in GDS cadre has been commenced and in progress. 

AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has applied to participate in the verification process in the name & style ofALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION - GDS (AIPEU-GDS).

ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION - GDS (AIPEU-GDS) is one of the applicant Unions in the ensuing process of verification. For the first time AIPEU-GDS is participating in the membership verification process. Even though AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) formed in April 2012, with best efforts of leadership of NFPE and GDS created a sensation in establishing its organization in such a way in all Circles and divisions for the last four years.

This time, the Department notified to get the information of 'Authorized Representatives' of respective GDS unions participating in the verification process, to counter sign the declaration form / Membership form in the divisions and accordingly submit the same by 15th June 2016.

AIPEU-GDS today submitted the list of "Authorized Representatives" of respective divisions from 22 circles. It comprises more than 95% of Divisions from all 22 Circles. Remaining would get in a short notice.

The trust and confidence on NFPE & AIPEU-GDS resulted in the listing of Authorized Representatives, stands for the cause of GDS to make it clear that only NFPE & AIPEU-GDS will safe guard the interest of GDS members.

At this instance, our CHQ extends sincere thanks and respectful gratitude to all the leaders of NFPE from Divisional level to CHQ, General Secretaries of all affiliated unions of NFPE, well-wishers, veteran leaders, Senior Comrades who contributed their best efforts to support the AIPEU-GDS in the Divisions.

Further congratulating the Comrade Representatives / Conveners / Secretaries / CHQ office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Active comrades / Members in divisions of AIPEU-GDS for their valuable contribution in popularizing the AIPEU-GDS to all corners of all Divisions and Circles.

Some part of our exercise is over. The next foremost part of the exercise to enlighten the GDS members in the divisions to franchise their option in favour of AIPEU-GDS positively and get their valid choice to AIPEU-GDS to place it in first position in the process of verification of membership. 

It results in effective bargaining capacity of AIPEU-GDS and leads to the emancipation of GDS during this period of implementation of the recommendations of Pay Committee.

Let us dedicate ourselves for the emancipation of GDS

Let us strengthen AIPEU GDS in all the divisions

Let us collect maximum declarations in favour of our AIPEU GDS

Let us forget sleep and rest till the GDS verification is over

Let us act swiftly and achieve our goal of 100% membership in GDS Union.

  General Secretary

Selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS posts - Review there of :

Recruitment of casual workers and persons on daily wages.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Cabinet approves setting up of India Post Payments Bank - PIB

The Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for setting up the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) as a Public Limited Company under the Department of Posts, with 100% Government of India (GOI) equity.
The total expenditure involved in this project is Rs 800 Crore. All citizens, especially 40% of the country's population that is outside the ambit of formal banking in the country will benefit from this project. The project will be rolled out in the entire country in a phased manner.
The IPPB will obtain banking licence from RBI by March 2017 and by September 2017, its services will be available across the country through 650 payments bank branches, linked post offices and alternative channels riding on modern technology including mobiles, ATMs, PoS/ m-PoS devices etc and simple digital payments.

The proposal will further the cause of financial inclusion by providing basic banking, payments and remittance services and facilitate financial services like insurance, mutual funds, pensions and access to credit in tie-up with third party financial providers with special focus on rural areas and the unbanked and under-banked segments. It will generate new employment opportunities for skilled banking professionals and will generate opportunities for propagating financial literacy across the country. It will create the largest bank in the world in terms of accessibility and in time, will encourage the move towards a less cash economy.


Setting-up of the IPPB to further financial inclusion was one of the budgetary announcements during 2015-16. The Department of Posts had obtained the "in-principle approval" of the RBI in September 2015 to set up the India Post Payments Bank. The India Post Payments Bank will leverage the Department’s network, reach, and resources to make simple, low-cost, quality financial services easily accessible to customers all over the country. 

(Release ID :145892)


Sixth Cadre Review of Indian Postal Services,(IPoS) Group 'A' - Creation and abolition of posts :

One Post of Director General, Postal Services --

One Post of Chief Postmaster General for the new proposed postal circle in Telanga State.


