Saturday, 30 April 2016

International Labour Day (May Day)
·            The theme of International Labour Day of 2016 would be 
       “Celebrating the international labour movement”.

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May Day Celebrated in the memory of .....
International Labour Day or May Day is celebrated to finish the struggle as well as to promote the requirement of eight-hour work day. Earlier the working condition of the laborer was very severe and working hours was 10 to 16 hour a day even in the unsafe conditions. 
Deaths, injuries and other dreadful conditions of the workers were very common at the workplace during the 1860’s and working people were very agitated throughout the workday until the 8-hour workday was declared.
The rising death of the working class people (men, women and children) in many working industries, required to raise the voice for the safety of the working group people by decreasing their working hours in the industries. After the lots of efforts made by the workers and socialists, eight-hours was declared as the legal time for the workers in the national convention at Chicago in 1884 by the American Federation of Labor.
Many people have sacrificed their lives during the Haymarket Massacre which was held in the Chicago during the strike of workers. May Day is celebrated to commemorate the event of Haymarket Massacre as well as to promote the social and economic achievements of the working group people.

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May Day 2016: How labour exploitation is escalating in Modi’s neo-liberal India

Farce called "labour reforms", combined with "ease of doing business" has unleashed a capitalist onslaught on workers across the nation.
By Mohammed Uzair Shaikh on May 1, 2016 at 1:00 AM

New Delhi, May 1: ‘May Day’ is celebrated on the first day of May in India. In the western world, it is observed on the first Monday of May. While the proletariat festival has much more relevance in mature economies, in India it is merely considered as yet another ‘bank holiday’. Except for the aging section of Indian communists, May Day has no worth left among the Indian youth. Although free-marketists would argue that there are no labour atrocities in India to make the workers glorify such anarchist celebrations, but such assumptions are far from truth.
The greatest tragedy of labour movement in India is that majority of the blue-collared, as well as white-collared workers, belong to the unorganized sector. Unions have been demonized in a disproportionate manner. Due to the dwindling number of employee unions, the amount of exploitation is escalating. With the massive unemployment rate in the nation, and successive government resorting to market-fundamentalism, the capitalists are more confident than ever to show apathy towards the condition of the actual producers. The inequality in income is widening, and the share of profit is hardly transferred to the lower rungs of the company ladder.
To understand the deteriorating condition of Indian labour, one must divide the proletariat into three parts – the blue-collared workers, who mostly indulge in physical labour, the white-collared workers, the ones employed in offices to use analytical skills and contribute towards the cycle of production, and third is the domestic labour.
While there are no end to the woes of domestic labour, the condition of blue-collared workers deteriorated after the economic liberalization of 1991, which led to the dilution of unions. Meanwhile, the white-collared workers belong mostly to the bourgeois class, which fail to unite for a common cause due to their middle-class apprehensions and lumpenteriat tendencies.
Farce called ‘labour reforms’
To launch a capitalist onslaught, the Narendra Modi government coined a special term ‘labour reforms’. Under the proposed amendments in the Labour Reform Bill, the government intends to create a framework which would allow companies to treat their employees as per their whims and fancies. As per the proposed amendments, factory owners would not need the approval of government to remove less than 300 employees at once. Unions would not be allowed to registered, unless they have the support of 30 per cent employees. Earlier, the minimum support base was 15 per cent. Factories Act would apply on only those companies which has hired more than 50 employees. The earlier limit for exemption was 20.
The proposed labour law also intends to increase the limit of overtime from 50 hours per quarter to 100 hours. While overtime is a discouraged practice since it violates the 8-hour working principle, companies were given the option to make their employees work overtime upto 50 hours in a quarter (3 months), provided they are paid one and a half times of what they are paid for regular hours. However, this overtime limit is now expected to be increased to 100.
The ‘reforms’ made in the Apprentices Act, 1961 are even more alarming, and have ended up grabbing the concern of Workers’ solidarity movements across the world. As per the proposed changes, the number of hours of work to be undertaken from the apprentice would solely be decided the company. The wages and the kind of work to be undertaken would also be decided solely by the management. The kind of training provided to the apprentice would be decided arbitrarily by the company. Earlier, the Labour Ministry had to be informed about the details of the training programme. And most importantly, the management can also keep apprentice without giving them holidays.
Apart from the above so-called reforms, the Labour Ministry has also opined to strike down labour-security laws such as Minimum Wages Act (1948), Payment of Wages Act (1965), Bonus Payment Act (1965) and Equal Wages Act (1976).
The icing to the cake is that the government would no-longer assign labour inspectors to take stock of the condition of employees in production units. In other words, Centre has given a free-hand to exploitation in the best manner possible. Doesn’t this seem to be the payback time for those who financed the massive electoral campaigns?
India Inc geared up to suck the blood of ignorant Indian workforce
Those who hold proximity with the establishment have used hook and crook methods to implement their neo-liberal market agenda in the nation. While the draconian ‘Labour Reform’ bill is stuck in the Parliament, the legislative assemblies in various states have adopted the anti-labour measures to please the market players. BJP-ruled Rajasthan was the first state to introduce the amendments.
“Government is working on the agenda of ‘ease of doing’ business. This would boost investment – both global and domestic. Our manufacturing output would increase on a whole. This would strengthen our economy and make our products globally competitive,” said FICCI director general Arvind Prasad.
However, the labour unions, including the RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, have launched a nationwide protest against the anti-poor, anti-labour policies of the government. “Just because they (Centre) have a full majority, they cannot take decisions arbitrarily. They have to be accountable. We will not allow the labour reforms to happen, especially those related to ‘hire and fire’ amendments,” said BMS secretary Brajesh Upadhyay.
“The proposed changed of NDA government is set to nullify the rigorous efforts undertaken by socialists since pre-colonial era to improve the working condition of labours. Already, the companies show blatant disregard in following the 8-hour working day norm. With this Labour Reform bill, Centre is licensing them to exploit their workforce,” said CITU, the union affiliated to Communist Party of India (Marxist).

With the kind of pessimism prevailing within India’s working population, combined with the apathy shown by those in power, the slogans of Lal Salaam would begin to echo outside the University campuses as well. If that happens, then the so-called ‘regressive Left’ would be on a path of recovery. As seen in the post-structural era, labourers, unlike peasants, have a tendency to unite for a common struggle and initiate a bloodstained revolution to overturn the establishment.

Thursday, 28 April 2016


National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                          e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981      website:

No. PF-01(e)/2016                                                                 Dated: 28th April, 2016


            All General Secretaries /NFPE Office Bearers
            All Circle /Divisional & Branch Secretaries

Dear Comrades,

1.         Xth   Federal Council NFPE.

            Xth Federal Council of NFPE is scheduled to be held on 7th,8th & 9th September,2016 at Guwahati (Assam) Regional Co-ordination committee of Assam and NE has started  preparations. Reception Committee has been formed as below:

1.Shri Indibar Dewri   -- Retired IPOs & Eminent Intellectual  -  Chairman
2.Com. M.R. Das , Ex. Convenor RCC of P&T Employees,  Assam & NE Crcle       –Working Chairman.
3. Com.D.K. Deb Nath- Convenor RCC Assam & NE   -   General Secretary.
4.Bishnu Ram Raha -Treasurer

            Notice for Federal Council will be issued separately. Federal Executive will also  be  held in the F/N of 7thSeptember,2016 at Guwahati. Federal Councilors will be paid TA & TA by their respective CHQs as decided in last Federal Executive. No Delegate Fee will be paid to Reception Committee for Federal Councilors. However visitors/observers will have to pay Rs.1500/- as Delegate Fee as fixed by the Reception Committee.

            All General Secretaries are requested to direct Federal Councilors to book to & fro tickets to avoid inconvenience.

2.         Confederation: National Conference.

            Diamond Jubilee National Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers will be held at Chennai on 16th, 17th & 18th August-2016

            All India Women Convention of Confederation will also be held during National Conference. All General Secretaries are requested to decide the names of Women Comrades to participate in the Women Convention. Their TA/DA will be paid by the respective CHQs.

3.         Celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.

            This is the Diamond Jubilee year of Confederation as it was formed in the year 1956 by our great leader Dada B.N. Ghosh Ex. Secretary General-NFPTE. All are requested to celebrate Diamond Jubilee in each Circle by organizing a grand programme.

4.         Confederation Trade Union Education Camp at Dehradun (Uttarakhand)

            All India Trade Union Education Camp will be organized at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May-2016.NFPE has already allotted quota to affiliates. All General Secretaries are requested to decide delegates as per quota and direct them to book to & fro tickets. Delegate Fee has been fixed as Rs.600/-

5.         May-Day Ist May-2016.

            May Day on 1st May-2016 should be observed at all work place.

6.         All India General Strikes.

            The National Convention of Workers under the banner of All Central Trade Unions (except BMS)  and All Independent Federations have decided to organize One Day All India General Strike  on2nd September on common demands  against the anti-people economic policies of NDA Government Mobilize all to participate in the  strike.

7.         Indefinite Strike from 11th July-2016 on 7th C.P.C. related issues.

            National Joint Council of Action has decided to organize Indefinite Strike from 11th July, 2016. Notice for which will be issued on 9th June-2016. Please mobilize all Postal, RMS and GDS employees to participate in strike and make it grand success.

8.         GDS Membership verification.

            GDS membership verification is likely to be announced by the Department of Posts very soon All General Secretaries are requested to direct all Circle, Divisional and Branch  Secretaries  to extend maximum co-operation  and full support to enroll maximum no. of members in favour of All India Postal Employees Union-GDS and make it as No.1.

9.         GDS Committee.

            GDS Committee to review the service conditions and wage of GDS employees under the Chairmanship of Shri Kamlesh Chandra Retired Member , Postal services Board  has started function. Memorandum to GDS Committee  have been submitted by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS. GDS Committee has fixed date as on 26th May 2016 for oral evidence NFPE with AIPEU GDS-NFPE will present the case  before GDS Committee effectively.

10.       Retirement of Smt. Kavery Banerjee-Secretary, Department of Post.

Smt. Kavery Banerjee, Secretary, Department of Post is going to retire on 30th April-2016 on superannuation. During her period the relations between administration and staff have remained very co-ordial. Mostly problems got solved with negotiations and she never gave opportunity to staff side to go on agitation. 

NFPE HQ extends greetings and best wishes for her peaceful and healthy retired life.

            With revolutionary greetings.
Comradely yours,
(R. N. Parashar)

Secretary General


DATED - 27.04.2016


Diamond Jubilee year National Conference of the Confederation of Central government Employees & Workers will be held at Chennai on  16th,17th&18th August 2016. Confederation was formed on 16.08.1956. The conference is pre-poned from 26th, 27th & 28th August to 16th, 17th & 18th, as the All India general Strike is on 2nd September 2016. The above dates are final. Notice for the National Conference will be issued shortly.

All India women’s convention of the confederation will also be held along with the National Conference.
All affiliated organisations of the Confederation, All C-O-C’s and all CHQ office bearers and Women’s subcommittee members are requested to decide the names of Delegates/Visitors attending National Conference and  All India Women’s convention, well in advance and book their up and down travel tickets without any delay. Last minute, it will be very difficult to get confirmed tickets.


Confederation was formed in the year 1956. The idea was mooted by Com. B N Ghosh, then Secretary General of NFPTE. There were many demands of the Central government Employees which were of a general nature concerning all the Central Government Employees. It was felt by Com B N Ghosh that an organization of all Central Government Employees is required for wider unity and struggle. As such he approached all the Unions and Federations in the central government establishments. Railway and defense federations did not show much interest. However other central government employees organisations showed much enthusiasm.

A joint meeting of all the willing Unions/Federations was held at New Delhi on 16th August 1956 presided by Shri Sarangdhar Das, Member of Parliament. Detailed discussion took place and “Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers” was formed. Nath Pai, Member of Parliament, was elected as Chairman and S Madhusoodhanan of Civil Aviation was elected as Secretary General. Rest is history. In the formation meeting on 16th August 1956 only ten organizations participated. The number of affiliates went on increasing year by year and as on date Confederation is having 112 affiliated organizations.

All the C-O-Cs are requested to celebrate the diamond jubilee in most befitting manner by organizing at least one program by each C-O-C. Senior leaders may be honored in the function.


As already notified, the All India Trade Union Education Camp - 2016 of Confederation will be held at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May 2016. The last two camps held at Mumbai (2014) & Bangalore (2015) was a grand success. The COC Dehradun is actively involved in making all the arrangements for successful conducting of the camp. Detailed circular regarding classes, venue, food, accommodation, climate, contact phone numbers etc will be published shortly. Delegate fee per head is fixed as Rs.600/- (Rs Six hundred only).

All the affiliated organisations and C-OC’s are once again requested to depute the given number of delegates to the camp. The Quota fixed is furnished below.

Name of the affiliated C-O-C’s and the quota of delegates
NFPE – 60, ITEF – 20, Audit & Accounts -10, Atomic energy – 10, Civil Accounts-10
All other affiliated organisations -3 each.
COC West Bengal -20, COC Kerala-15, COC Karnataka-10, COC Tamilnadu-15, COC Andhra-10
COC Delhi-15, All other COCs- 3 each

Please instruct the delegates to book their travel tickets immediately.


2016 May 1st may be observed as May Day at all important centers jointly with other fraternal organisations. The importance of the International Workers Day and the need to strengthen the unity of working class by building up class-oriented militant struggle against the imperialist neo liberal globalization policies may be explained to the workers


The national convention of workers at Mavilanka Hall,  New Delhi on 30.03.2016 under the banner of all Central Trade Unions(except BMS) and other Federations/Unions/Associations has decided to organize one day ALL INDIA GENERAL STRIKE  on 2nd September 2016 against the anti - people anti- labor policies of the NDA Govt. The national Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers call upon all its affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs to conduct intensive campaign and preparations for ensuring maximum participation of Central government Employees in the general strike. All affiliated organisations are requested to issue their own separate circulars to their lower units instructing them to participate in the strike. Central Government Employees are the worst victims of the neo liberal policies of the NDA Government and hence it is our duty to make the strike a grand success.


The National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) has decided to serve indefinite strike notice to the Govt on 9th June 2016 and to commence indefinite strike from 11th July 2016, if the Govt fails to come to a negotiated settlement on 7th CPC related issues with the JCM National Council Staff Side. In the discussion held on 1st March 2016 with the empowered committee of Secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary, the Government has not disclosed its mind on any of the demands including minimum wage. Thereafter no discussion took place. NJCA has given enough time as requested by the Government by postponing the strike to July 11th. 7th CPC report was submitted to Govt on 19thNovember 2015 and almost five months are over now. The developments that are taking place in the country shows that Modi Govt is becoming more and more and more aggressive towards the workers and common people. Unless we go for an indefinite strike, the Govt may not modify the retrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC. Confederation National Secretariat calls up on all its affiliates and C-O-C’s to continue the campaign and prepare the rank and file membership to go for indefinite strike from July 11th. All affiliates should serve the strike notice on June 9th to their respective Departmental heads. Copy of the strike notice should be sent to all lower units without fail. Branch/Units of some of the affiliates of confederation has complained that their All India leadership has not issued any circular or instructions to them to participate in the strike. Without getting instructions from higher bodies they are reluctant to participate in the strike. Hence it is once again requested to all affiliates of Confederation that:-

(1)    Clear instructions may be issued to all lower units now itself to participate in the July 11th indefinite strike.
(2)    Copy of the strike notice served to the Departmental head on  9th June 2016 should be sent to all lower units

With May Day Greetings

Yours fraternally

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General                           



Tuesday, 26 April 2016

RICT Rollout - List Of Phase I & II Divisions


Shri Sitaram Yechury, Hon'ble MP wrote to Chairman, GDS Committee on GDS issues

Shri Sitaram Yechury, Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) & Leader CPI(M) Group wrote to the Chairman, GDS Committee on certain important and prominent issues related to GDS for a favourable consideration by the GDS Committee.


Monday, 25 April 2016

Meeting for oral evidence by NFPE on GDS MEMORANDUM fixed on 26th MAY-2016




            We are happy to inform that Regional Co-ordination Committee of Postal Employees unions, Assam & N.E, finally decided to hold Xth Federal Council Meeting of NFPE at Guwahati from 7th to 9th September ’2016. In this connection a broad based Reception Committee with the leaders of both the circle of Assam & N.E  has been formed in a broad based meeting  held at Meghdoot Bhawan  on 27-03-16 with  Sri Indibor Dewri Retd. IPOs & Eminent Intellectual as Chairman, Com. M.R.Das Ex. Convenor, RCC of P& T  E.U. Assam & N.E, as Working Chairman, Com D.K.Debnath  Convenor, RCC of Postal Employees Union Assam & NE as General Secretary  & Com. Bishnu Ram Rabha as treasurer respectively. Detail list of Reception Committee will be published later on.

              It is also decided in the meeting that not to pay no TA/ DA will be paid to the Office bearers and Federal Councillors by the Reception Committee. However, free fooding & lodging will be provided by the Reception Committee. But Delegate fee @Rs.1500/-will have to be paid by the visitors.

           It is also proposed to hold Inaugural session, procession, open session & Cultural programme on 7th Sept’16 at District library Auditorium, Guwahati. On 8th & 9th Federal Session & Seminar if any as decided by the Federation will be held at BSNL Multipurpose Hall, Pan Bazer, Guwahati.

                                                                                   Yours Comradely,
                                                                                     (D. K.Debnath )
                                                                                    General Secretary &
                                                              Convenor, RCC of postal EU Assam & NE

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Heatwave intensifies, Titlagarh sizzles at 48.5 degrees Celsius

New Delhi: Mercury continued to soar across the country claiming two more lives in Odisha which recorded the highest temperature of 48.5 degrees Celsius in Titlagarh while rains wreaked havoc in Arunachal Pradesh, where the death toll from landslides climbed to 19.
The unrelenting sun unleashed misery on the people of Jharkhand and Telangana, where 49 people have lost their lives.

For Delhiites, it was comparatively less hot in the national capital as the mercury settled below normal levels. The maximum temperature was recorded at 36.8 degrees Celsius, a notch below the season's average while the minimum temperature settled at 23 degrees, normal for this time of the year, said a Met department official.

The drop in temperature is because of a Western disturbance prevailing over the northern region for the last four days.

The humidity in air remained on the lower side and oscillated between 56 and 13 percent. In Arunachal Pradesh, at least two persons were killed and several dwellings damaged in fresh landslides triggered by rains in Tawang district, raising the toll to 19.

While a person drowned at Jengthu River in Namsai district on April 17 last, 16 people were killed in a massive landslide triggered by incessant rains at Phamla village in Tawang on Friday.

Latest News from India News Desk

Friday, 22 April 2016



Improved Postal ID can detect money-launderers

THE Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost) on Friday launched its improved postal identification card (Postal ID) that it said could even detect money launderers.
Luis Carlos, Assistant Postmaster General for Marketing, told The Manila Times that security features of the improved Postal ID protect people and institutions from being victims or pawns of money launderers.
When asked in what way the latest Postal ID could be a help in detecting the money launderers, he said the ID could ascertain if a person who transacts money with a bank, for example, is a money-launderer or not.
Carlos added that culprits in the $81 million that was recently laundered through a bank in the Philippines could be traced with accuracy through the security features of the new Postal ID.
He cited the Automated Fingerprint Identification System or AFIS on top of existing features of the ID.
The new ID has “additional physical security features that are difficult to reproduce [like] a hologram of a running mailman which can only be seen in certain angles, and a UV ink or special ink that lights up to ultraviolet light,” Carlos said.
It also has a ghost image, a slightly transparent copy of the applicant’s photograph, he added.
The new Postal ID is acceptable in all government and private institutions, Carlos said.